
Showing posts from July, 2015

Recap of Who I Am

The last time I updated this thing was last year back in March. But if you're reading this then... you know that! Hello to all and welcome back! A lot has happened in a year. I feel that I should try to backtrack... Blogger has changed; granting full access will lead those nosy enough to my Google+ profile instead of a regular Blogger one. Something that I don't bother with so whatever is connected to my Google+ that allows auto posting is what you'll see! I believe that's basically Youtube, any blog on here and anything that has the option to +1! So, hi! The name's J Linz! I'm Level 38 which means, depending on the type of game, I've just starting to get the hang of playing or I'm freaking awesome and ready to prestige; think I'll go with the latter! :D I've been married to my #1 guy for the past twelve years come November and while I call him a tyrant every now and then, I wouldn't want it any other way! We don't have any children and I