
Showing posts from January, 2017

New Year, New Me... Hopefully

Don't worry; this isn't a post where I'll lie and say that I'll start exercising to lose weight or save money or any of those tired resolutions we all come up with. I want to say that this is a revelation of sorts? I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't hide what I really feel around anyone, whether it's online or in person. And that I should stop giving a damn if it offends people or make them look at me all weird. Just something personal that I've wanted to work on. I won't lie; I do want to start losing weight, getting back into the gym. If anything, for my health. September 2015, I found out that I was diabetic. I'm not on insulin and my fasting blood sugar is actually within range. My A1c fluctuates but not outrageously. I want to steer clear of taking insulin and in order for me to do that, I have to get off my ass and get myself active and better. Changing the way I eat is going to be a bitch. And it's something I never understoo