Day 2

Day 2 of blogging. Last night (or early this morning; whichever way you want to look at it), I put in a few stitches on one of my projects; the Tigger cross stitch. I am very fond of cartoons and Tigger is one of my favorite characters. So, I hope to finish that one soon. A lady had mentioned that I can make it into a pillow case. But, how do you do that?

Anyway, I woke up around 1 this afternoon because I didn't go to sleep until 6 this morning. I get text messages when one of the people I follow on Twitter updates their status. Unfortunately, I think sometimes that Jalen Rose is as bored as I am a lot of days! It gets kinda annoying when my phone buzzes every freakin' five minutes! But, I do give him this: he keeps up on a lot of sports-related news and therefore, it makes it look like I'm getting the news before anyone else in my family (thanks for that, Jalen)! So, I found out that Ben Rothlis... Big Ben, QB of the Steelers, will get at least a 4-6 game suspension because of his behavior. Jalen stated that he felt the punishment was too harsh.

His reaction made me think that maybe I shouldn't follow him, anymore, like my husband has suggested since day one. Because, every time an athlete gets any type of punishment for something they did wrong, he says that the punishment is too harsh or people need to get out of their business. So, what Jalen is saying, just like all the other analysts and sports writers, is that what these guys do in their personal lives should mean shit: as long as they win games.

What type of message are they sending to the kids who watch them, though? Regardless of whether they like it or not, or if they wanted to be one or not, there are those out there who look to them as role models. If nothing is done to punish the ones who act inappropriately, it's like telling these kids that, hey, it's okay to go out there and molest a woman, or beat up on your wife or cheat on your wife or even punch a random guy in the face because they had a little too much to drink. Ben's punishment is showing the fans and the other athletes that they are not just gonna sweep this underneath the rug this time (even though I feel that the police did in this situation but that's another subject). His punishment fits the crime for inappropriate behavior. It also shows, to me, that Roger Goodell really didn't believe that nothing criminal happened; if he did, he would've just gave Ben the proverbial slap on the wrist and lecture about don't do nothing stupid, again.

What REALLY needs to happen is that Ben needs better friends. Someone's gotta man up and talk to him, let him know, "hey, you fucked up and you need to stop it before this lands you in some serious trouble"! But, he has guys that support him throughout this ordeal. Okay; let's just say, for argument's sake that the woman lied. I would understand the support, then. But, if I'm a true friend, I will let my friend know that they messed up. I wouldn't be a snitch or nothing like that, but I would talk to my friend with real talk. Not once did any of the Steelers state that they didn't condone his actions because something DID happen for his bodyguards and the police to try to cover SOMETHING up! The only thing I heard was that "we support Ben". Someone should've been a real man and said they didn't condone his actions. This is why I've lost my respect for Kobe, Tiger, Zack Randolph, Jason Kidd and others like them. It kills me that Zack even plays for Memphis and I fought so hard to hold my tongue when we went to DC to watch them play against the Wizards!

So, that's what's been on my mind all day. I'm getting sick and tired of people thinking that just because someone has a lot of money means that they can get away with the antics they pull off. Just because you're famous or won championships doesn't mean that you should be excluded from any type of punishment for bad behavior. David Stern should really take notes on what Roger Goodell has done for the NFL with his zero tolerance program. And, by the way, sportscasters and sportswriters: it's the best program out there! You get in trouble, you pay the consequences. I think athletes SHOULD be treated like Marines; maybe they'll appreciate the way they do things a little better. And, I'm not saying that all athletes are like this. There are a lot of athletes out there that keep their noses clean and they at least know how to act in public. Look at T.O. and Ochocinco. These two guys are the most hated NFL stars out there but... has either of them ever been investigated for sexual assault? Okay, they're flamboyant and like to run their mouths but it's who they are. I didn't like the spitting incident with T.O. but he manned up to that.

I'll leave it at that for right now. I'm starving so I guess I will blog later!


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