An Overdue Update

Hi, guys! It's been a while since I've updated this blog, I know and I apologize. I've gone through a lot of things this year that has hampered me from doing much of anything aside living day-to-day. I'll give you a bit of a run down, if I can.

February, my writing friends convinced me to get a story published. I mainly write fanfiction but made the decision to turn a celebrity fanfic into an original. Saw a bit more of an audience when I was able to rewrite, edit and post a chapter every day to every other day and my decision was made. You can actually find all of my progress on that here.

April found me pregnant for the first time in my life and everyone was super excited with the news. But in May, I miscarried. I feel bad because I don't want to try again but the husband wants to. Right now, it's a "if it happens, it happens" type of situation but the way my body is, I am really doubtful.

My 40th birthday came and went without much flair due to what happened the month before. I wasn't in the mood to celebrate much...

Other than that, that's been it. I've become more focused on writing but trying to balance out that and crocheting.

Everything that I said I was working on in my last post, has been frogged. My friend is upset that I frogged our CAL but also pointed out that as fast as I crochet, it shouldn't be a problem for me to play catch up.

The blankets for my husband's nephew and my mother have both been frogged. I have some other ideas for my mom but she's so picky.

... I started this update back in October but because life hates me, I'm just now coming back to it. Between October and now, nothing of significance has happened. I continue to start things but frog them. I haven't touched the editing of my book and my hopes were to have it out by Christmas.

I've been writing a bit more rather than crocheting or editing so there's that.

Thanks for listening to a awkward woman rant about her life. :)


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