
Showing posts from April, 2010

Life in Jersey

Day 2 in Edison, NJ. My husband is participating in the Yu-Gi-Oh Shonen Jump Championship today. As of right now, he's 1-1, which isn't bad but isn't good, especially seeing that there are over 2,000 participants! Top 80-something get a national's invite but he already has his. He just wanted to participate in this Jump to try to get his name out there. First, I have to start over; I tried to blog last night but the website was being screwy and I couldn't even get to the home page! Well, we arrived at our hotel room after pre-registration around 4. I had made the reservations for 4 people initially and then had to change it twice because the two guys couldn't go. Well, they "tricked" me into upgrading to the Club Level room which... is amazing! Okay; the room, itself, is the same size of a regular room but we're on the top floor (12) and can see over the top of everything in the area. The TV is a LG flat screen and the decor is outstanding. I wish

A Trip

Forgot to mention that we're going to New Jersey for the weekend this weekend! It's for the Yu-Gi-Oh Shonen Jump Championships and it might be the very last one Konami will host. I'm kind of excited because this will be my first SJC but I'm not participating. I've become more of the collector/inventory specialist for the game, now. Now that my husband has been trading more and making more money so that he can buy more Yu-Gi-Oh, we're a few steps away from turning this into a full-blown business. I can see that the business of Yu-Gi-Oh is dwindling fast here in Southern Maryland but we want to try to save it. I won't talk strategies so I'll just leave it at this: some of these people simply don't know how to make the game work down here. I know that there are a lot of people in our area who plays but they have to travel all the way towards Rockville and B-More to play; it's just not right. Anyway; so, yeah, we're leaving in the morning which m

Willing to Share More About Myself, Now...

Good morning. I should be going to sleep soon; although I physically went to bed around 10 last night, I really haven't closed my eyes. This morning, I showered with my husband for the first time in a while; usually, I'm still sleep while he gets ready for work. Anyway; after eating breakfast together, we had another talk about children, again. Lately, I've been getting a feeling that it might be a sign that I can't have children. It scares the crap outta me but i really believe that maybe I wouldn't survive childbirth and that's why I haven't gotten pregnant. I tend to get depressed a lot because the little friends that I do have, have children. I was there when my good friend had her twins, and I was named the godmother. I remember that same night, after we all came back from the hospital: I cried myself to sleep. When my friend, Rana, announced that she was pregnant, I cried. She was in the same boat as me; in her 30s with no children. So, don't get m

Day 2

Day 2 of blogging. Last night (or early this morning; whichever way you want to look at it), I put in a few stitches on one of my projects; the Tigger cross stitch. I am very fond of cartoons and Tigger is one of my favorite characters. So, I hope to finish that one soon. A lady had mentioned that I can make it into a pillow case. But, how do you do that? Anyway, I woke up around 1 this afternoon because I didn't go to sleep until 6 this morning. I get text messages when one of the people I follow on Twitter updates their status. Unfortunately, I think sometimes that Jalen Rose is as bored as I am a lot of days! It gets kinda annoying when my phone buzzes every freakin' five minutes! But, I do give him this: he keeps up on a lot of sports-related news and therefore, it makes it look like I'm getting the news before anyone else in my family (thanks for that, Jalen)! So, I found out that Ben Rothlis... Big Ben, QB of the Steelers, will get at least a 4-6 game suspension becau

Just Some Thoughts

The reason why I'm posting is one, I'm upset that after an hour of playing Sims, it didn't want to save and two, I'm bored! I was just thinking about how a few years ago, that kobe Bryant fiasco happened and how ESPN did a semi-special about faithfullness and privacy. One guy, who will remain nameless but if he ever does read this will know who he is, stated that the media and everyone as as fans have become too nosy, so to speak. He stated that Kobe's private life should be left alone. My thing is, if you put yourself out there, you're the one exposing your own private life. Let's face it; there are a handful of celebrities who we wish to know about but don't because they do things the smart way: they don't put themselves out there to the public. But, let's take a look at your favorite athlete. Because we as fans need to keep up with stats, websites like and not only put up stats but little interesting facts about them. So,

A Lil' About Me... okay; a LOT about me!

Just to let some of my readers (if any) know a little about myself. I am an advant (advent?) sports fanatic, especially when it comes to any and everything Memphis and/or Tennessee. I was born and raised Memphis, TN and so I religiously root for the Tigers, especially in basketball. I have rooted for them ever since the age of 5, and I still refer to them as "Memphis State". Teams that I will root for, regardless of record and/or people on the team: Memphis Tigers, Duke Blue Devils basketball (both men and women), Tennessee Vols football, Tennessee Lady Vols basketball, Tennessee Titans, Memphis Grizzlies and Alabama Crimson Tide football; the ONLY reason is because my husband was raised in Alabama and he is a huge fan. Oh; and I do enjoy NASCAR: Dale Earnhardt, Jr. is my favorite driver. I root for the Oakland Raiders only because I used to root for them back in the day (and I have to admit that they sport one of my favorite colors: black)! Teams that I will cheer for only b

1st Blog

So, this is my first blog on this website. I will admit that I got the idea from "Julie and Julia". Not that I'm going to go through a cookbook and give myself a deadline or anything like that. But, just to blog in general. By the way, it was a good, cute and funny movie; I didn't know it was based on a true story until the end. I meant, I knew about Julia Childs but not that Julie is real and that she really did set out to do her blogs and cook! Anyway; that's my main problem: rambling! Although it helps for when you're writing essays on certain topics! So... what is this blog going to be about? Nothing special. Maybe I should concentrate on a specific topic like Julie did. But, the only thing that I can do well is write and... crochet/cross-stitch? Hey... maybe I can post every time I complete a project... if I can ever do that! I have only completed one cross-stitch project: one for my best friend, Rana when she gave birth to her son. It was sort of a birth